Healthy eating, also called healthy diet, is one that helps to improve and maintain an optimal level of all biological processes in the body, in order to prevent diseases, as well as contribute to the treatment of them. It includes the adequate and balanced intake of nutrients, as well as vitamins, polyphenols and minerals, as well as avoiding exposure to toxic elements and products, whether they are of natural or industrial origin.Healthy eating improves the quality of life and decreases the risk of acquiring diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, anemia, infections and some types of cancer such as colon cancer.In the analysis of the prevalences of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in the AsuRiesgo study, very high values of overweight and obesity are found. While a low prevalence of patients with low weight is observed in this population, the prevalence of patients with above-normal body weight is excessively high, affecting 80.4% of women and 78.1% of women. the men.Overweight and obesity increase the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system (eg heart attacks, strokes), overload the joints leading to osteoarticular problems, chronic pain, restricting motility, producing a circle vicious (lack of physical activity - weight gain). It lowers self-esteem by increasing anxiety, thus generating another vicious circle (obesity - anxiety - increased intake, especially of foods with sugar).Obesity itself is considered a chronic disease, currently reaching epidemic proportions, but there is a positive, encouraging message: it is preventable and treatable.AsuRiesgo presents with this triptych brochure a summary containing the current basic concepts related to healthy eating. With the mobile application, for the first time, a Guarani account of textual content in Spanish is also presented, in order to reach all corners of the country, including the border regions in which Guaraní continues to be a language of community understanding.